Hijab Styles

28 Pins
Day 11 - I think I'm finally getting the hang of hijab pins - I guess I finally figured out how to get rid of the, erm, creases that happen when you tie the scarf from the back. HIJAB PINS TO THE RESCUE!! lol ... this was a good look for me; did it in 2 rounds - 1st time around, did Step 3 from the opposite side, and both times it worked pretty well :)
15 Awesome Ways That Girls Are Rocking The Hijab - Gurl.com
15 Awesome Hijab Style Inspiration From Fashionable Hijabis | Gurl.com
I should wear a hijab. To promote religious tolerance and so I don't have to do anything with my hair.
tutorial hijab
My hijab tutorial. You never know when this could be very useful