
114 Pins
Walk With Me, Daddy {Tutorial}
Dad had this in a picture frame in my room that broke when I was little. It's the little things in life that can make you remember something in the past that continues to make u smile in the present.
Does Your Face Light Up?
Hear the incredible advice from the author of The Bluest Eye that will change the way you interact with everyone this weekend.
kylie francis
if you don't go after what you want you'll never have it
Eternally Classic
Ha! Good luck with that! I don't give too much power to anything that's going to put me in the negz. If it bothers me to much and it demands power, I give it enough power to have it go over a cliff. Wipe my hands and sayonara Baka negz.
Art Prints - Framed Or Unframed | Rockett St George
Alcohol May Not Solve Your Problems Print by Karin Akesson
Love Quotes by 143-Love.com: Photo
Don't regret the people who were in your past, at the time they were exactly who wanted to be with.