Crystal and Minerals

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Auralite - 23 is the name given to a chevron form of Amethyst from the boreal forest area of Canada.
Tourmaline / Kashmir, Pakistan
ø Mandarin Garnet | The Gemstone List ø
Mandarin Garnet, also sometimes known as orange spessartite, kunene spessartine or hollandine, is a recent discovery in the world of gemstones.
2-Billion-Year-Old Meteorite From Mars Found in Morocco
A rare Martian meteorite recently found in Morocco contains minerals with 10 times more water than previously discovered Mars meteorites, a finding that raises new questions about when and how long the planet most like Earth in the solar system had conditions suitable for life.
Tanzanite | Merelani Hills, Arusha Region, Tanzania
Tanzanite - Merelani Hills, Arusha Region, Tanzania
Rockhound Revival
Azurite Tsumeb, Namibia Thumbnail, 2.6 x 2.3 x 1.8 cm
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over 600 cts ethiopian opal rough from Welo or Wello
3d mineral amethyst model
According to Roman legend, Bacchus, the god of wine, had been insulted by a mortal, and vowed that he would unleash his sacred tigers on the next mortal he passed. That mortal was a maiden named Amethysta. In order to protect her from Bacchus’ tigers, the goddess Diana turned her into a quartz statue. Upon seeing this, Bacchus was so remorseful that he wept tears of wine over the maiden. The grapes from the wine turned the statue of Amethysta purple. And thus was amethyst born.
Rockhound Revival
Largest Lemurian Quartz cluster ever found.