Pottery ideas

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This may contain: a hand holding a white and yellow object with words on it that says, our braided rollers are game changers
Braided rollers - Boost your creativity!
BOOST your CREATIVITY! It's easy to create something UNIQUE and it doesn't have to be expensive! Bradided roller is the tool which helps you create you own special pattern and decoration! Have a look: https://relyefpotterytools.com/products/perforated-roller #creativechallenge #creativeideas#creativedecor#ceramicsclass #potteryplace#ceramicsdaily #claypatterns #ceramicsdesign #functionalceramics #kerámia #potteryceramics #diypottery #handbuiltceramics #potterylover #ceramic#ceramikaartystyczna
This may contain: a person holding a piece of metal with a wooden object in it's hand
Making a Ceramic Wall Vase
The process of hand building and sculpting a ceramic wall vase from two clay slabs