HP 21st

19 Pins
My Harry Potter Party
Make a "Potion Book" with drink recipes? This blog is AMAZING! Everything you need to have a party is on this blog. There are lots of details and sources given.!
The Ultimate Harry Potter Party!
Little Page Turners: The Ultimate Harry Potter Party!
33 Harry Potter Gifts Only A True Fan Will Appreciate
Gifts only Harry potter fans will appreciate. I still am not sure which board to pin this to.
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Printables for Harry Potter Shower! LOL. Okay, this is not serious, but I thought it was hilarious.
Set of 2 Solemnly Swear/Mischief Managed Shot Glasses
Set of 2 Solemnly Swear/Mischief Managed Shot by geekyglassware
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Hogwarts House Wizard Kits - Wizard Wand Kit- Acceptance Letter, Express Ticket, Potion, Student ID Badge
Harry Potter Wands
Learn how to make these easy, inexpensive wizard wands for a Harry Potter themed party
Pygmy Puffs - could work like the "quiet critters" going around pinterest right now. Only now, it'll be HP themed! :D these were called warm fuzzies when I was in school :)