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Secret Compartment Furniture – Bedpost Stash | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments
Secret Compartment Furniture - Bedpost Stash. I like to think that all of these secret compartments that I've seen and want to have in my dream house would have sensible things in them. In reality... chocolate. Lots of chocolate.
A cool geocache in Kitchener Ontario. I might want a good hint though; you could get in trouble if you dismantled a tap that wasn't the cache!
Sneaky hide, but hopefully the cacher placed the sign since it looks like the cache is in a hole. If not, then it's a hiding guidelines violation since the sign is damaged. A better option would be a magnetic nano, or even some velcro holding a black nano in place. Foto: Martin Radach
A creative geocache container. This would take some work to make but would be a good hide for at a fire station (with permission of course). I'd probably want a good hint though; not sure I'd feel comfortable removing a fire extinguisher from its holder during my search unless I knew it was the spot.
19 Ridiculously Creative Geocache Containers
19 Ridiculously Creative Geocache Containers
Patina Steampunk Time Capsule Earrings by ArtOfAdornment on DeviantArt
Patina Steampunk Time Capsule Earrings by ~ArtOfAdornment on deviantART ~ gorgeous! Love it! We have the fillable pendants used here: www.ecrafty.com/... #ecrafty @KD Eustaquio at eCrafty.com www.eCrafty.com
A well-made custom welded cache I found
A well-made custom welded cache I found