arc rendering

55 Pins
The white and the out of focus back end, emphasises the feature of the building. (“By @shahin_faraji_ #arch_more”)
Hand drawn and watercolour. Line weights. top heavy which works because of the diagonal created by coloured images. Small drawing in top right allows you to relate the perspective view to the plans.
“for achitect #art #ماكت #معماران #معماري #طراحي #راندو #اسكيس #ايران #artist #artist #arch #archery #arch_land #arch_more #architect #architecturelovers…”
Weekend Pavilion / Architecture Paradigm
Architect | Costa Rica | Instagram @fmtmblr
drawing architecture | Tumblr
Modern architecture - Artur Stępniak Modern architecture by Artur Stępniak
Radu Teaca by TheDreamEater on DeviantArt
Radu Teaca by on @deviantART