27 Pins
Mesa Lateral "Tortinha"
Aprenda a fazer uma mesa lateral super diferente e colorida, com as gavetas desalinhadas, ou, para os íntimos, "tortinha" :P
2.8M views · 21K reactions | Scratch-Off Greeting Cards | Surprise friends on their special day with these easy scratch-off greeting cards! 🎉 | By Tasty Home | Facebook
Make Your Own Scratchcard #diy #cards #birthday #scratchcard #nifty
diy full length mirror frame - Google Search
16 Easy DIY Tables You Can Build Yourself | Homelovr
DIY Mid-Century Nightstand // Build this mid-century nightstand for your bedroom and add easy style to your home decor.
19 Awesome DIY Copper Projects for Your Home Decor | Homelovr
DIY Copper Side Table / DIY tutorial on how to make copper side tables in less than one hour.​
Industrial Design | Design Pinn
DIY Anleitung für einen Tisch aus Kupferrohren, geometrisches Design / crafting inspiration: table made of copper pipes, industrial design via
Die schönsten DIY Projekte mit Kupfer
#Kupfer ist das neue Trendmaterial für Ihre #Inneneinrichtung 2017: Entdecken Sie hier eine schöne Auswahl an dekorativen #DIY-Ideen im Kupfer-Look.
Apple Crates UK - The Apple Crate Company UK
Our rustic wooden apple crates with 2 internal shelves make a versatile storage solution for any room in the house.
Möbelkisten | Regale | Tische & mehr! | Design by Vinterior
Aus einer Birnenkiste lässt sich im Handumdrehen ein kleines Schränkchen zaubern. Ein tolles Accessoire bildet hier die DDR Glockenlampe..