
This is such a pretty dragonfly! Love it!
Indigo Dreams
In Celtic spiritual traditions, it is believed that the soul radiates all about the physical body, what some refer to as an aura. When you connect with another person and then become completely open and trusting with that individual, your two souls begin to flow together. Should such a deep bond be truly formed, it is said you have found your Anam Cara or Soul Friend --John O'Donohue
Old, but gold
Old, but gold, ~meaning more wisdom and certainly more to appreciate in all there is to see~ (~by Dawn Wilson - Aug 2014)
My Colorful World
Ssss!...Uhm, This Place Is Really Nice...Samissomar's Pinterests Are So Relaxing !... http://samissomarspace.wordpress.com
Damigella by Alessandro De Luca / 500px
Photo Damigella by Alessandro De Luca* ~ 7.26 Agrion vertical. (Ischnura verticalis). Ses zones préférées sont les petits étangs et les zones humides. Il est présent dans toutes les régions méridionales du Canada de juin à octobre.