
253 Pins
Learn trigger point work with a golf ball to relieve pain.
neck and sholder pain - where it starts and where you will actually feel it - Secret Spots (a.k.a. Trigger Points)
Pain at the Base of the Head and Under Shoulder Blade Upper Back Pain
Understanding Trigger Points - pain at the base of the head and under the shoulder blade that often comes with a stiff neck.
Physical Therapy interventions for Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) Repinned by SOS Inc. Resources
Cobra: Core Support | Anatomy Trains Blog
The posterior diaphragm is rooted into three structures: 1) the crura, which blend from the aortic arch into the anterior longtudinal ligament along the front of the lumbar vertebrae, 2) the psoas major (and, if present, the minor) which reaches down from each diaphragmatic dome to the lesser trochanter of the femur, and 3) the quadratus lumborum rooted down to the iliac crest and iliolumbar ligament (and in fascial terms beyond into the iliacus and iliac fascia).
Rotator Cuff Tendinitis Exercises to Relieve Shoulder Pain
Shoulder Pain Exercise Relief | Rotator Cuff Tendonitis Exercises
Private Site
Scapula Stability Exercises, Challenging Current Practice : A guest article by…
Foot taping PI
Foot taping for plantar fasciitis. Wrap strip around foot, at level of ball of foot. 2nd strip around heel, starting just below pinky toe, around sides of heel, back up to first strip. 3rd strip around heel, starting just below pinky toe, like step 2 but, circle heel in criss-cross, so that it ends just below big toe. Repeat step 3.