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Interpretation of CTG Source - Ryan. Practical Obstetrics: problem solving in the obstetrics unit. 2008. Erudite Medical Books.
The Menstrual Cycle - A Visual Guide
Created to help women who wish to gain a better understanding of the physical, mental, and energetic changes within the body. The Menstrual Cycle - A Visual Guide
OLCreate: HEAT_LDC_ET_1.0 Labour and Delivery Care Module: 4. Using the Partograph | OLCreate
Assessing the station (descent) of the fetal head by vaginal examination, relative to the ischial spines in the mother’s pelvic brim.
HELLP Syndrome: Recognition and Perinatal Management
HELLP Syndrome: Recognition and Perinatal Management. Once the diagnosis of HELLP syndrome has been established, the best markers to follow are the maternal lactate dehydrogenase level and the maternal platelet count.14 Laboratory abnormalities typically worsen after delivery and peak at 24 to 48 hours postpartum.14 The peak lactate dehydrogenase level signals the beginning of recovery and subsequent normalization of the platelet count
Labor and Birth Processes
Pelvic cavity. A, Inlet and midplane. Outlet not shown. B, Cavity of true pelvis. C, Note curve of sacrum and axis of birth canal.
Fetal Heart Monitoring- Determining the Baseline. From Quillen College of Medicine