Faith and Devotional

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Dear Christian Woman, Your Testimony Matters - Milk and Honey Faith
You might be wondering how your personal story and testimony could be useful for others. Have you thought about writing? Perhaps doing a YouTube video? Even sharing your story over lunch with a hurting friend will help more than you know. Join us for the #Sunshineandscripture Tour for a dose of Christian inspiration. #testimony #Godstory #Hope #milkandhoneyfaith #unmaskingthemess
5 Things You Need To Surrender To
So what are we to do? How are we to surrender? To truly let go and yield our old ways and grab hold of the new? How do we gain freedom in these areas that we have allowed to remain in our lives? If we are to grow as He wants us to we need to be fully surrendered to Him.
The Importance of Guarding Your Heart and Mind - Milk and Honey Faith
There is a bible verse that says "Guard your heart above all else for it determines the course of your life" Proverbs 4:23. There is a valuable lesson within this scripture.
If You're Hurting and Wondering Where God Was, He's Weeping With You - The Thin Place
If You're Hurting and Wondering Where God Was, He's Weeping With You - The Thin Place
The 7 Calmest Bible Verses To Help Crippling Anxiety - Joy In His Grace
Bible Verses To Help Crippling Anxiety. Anxiety and fear quotes and scriptures to inspire you to overcome! #anxiety #faith #womensdevotions #faithfilledevotions #encouragement
Unlimited Refills Part One.
In Ephesians 3 Paul talks about how we as Christians are offered unlimited resources through the power of the Holy Spirit. For example, at times we may get depleted in our hope and peace. The awesome thing is that through the Holy Spirit's power we have unlimited refills of these resources. Read the first of the 2 part series and learn how you can refill with.....#holyspirit #hope #peace #healinginheart
6 Moving Truths About Redemption in Hosea - Free Indeed
Book of Hosea | Redemption in the Bible | Hosea and Gomer | Hope for the Broken | Overcoming Shame
Beating Lonely — She is Light
3-day devotional: 3 days to beating loneliness | Christian | Christian blogger | Christian women | encouragement and inspiration for Christian women | She is Light | Elise Hodge | Devotionals | Christian quotes | scripture | sisterhood
The Mom Cafe Recommended Reading List
8 Must-read books for Christian women to grow in their walk with God. #Christianbooks #Jesus
25 Verses to Help You Overcome Worry -
Do you tend to worry? Me, too! What does the Bible say about worry, and how can we overcome it? 25 Bible verses to help you overcome worry!