Bible Verses

35 Pins
Use the Armor of God to Defeat Overeating! Part 1
Use God's Armor to STOP overeating in it's tracks! Practical tips for the Christian.
a most #POPULAR Re-pin for #PEACE: SCRIPTURES full of promises on how to have God's power by obeying Him, by arming yourself. FAST LOOKUP website that's FREE & EASY = BlueLetterBible. org. For over 500 FREE #DOWNLOADS of Comfort music: ... full of #PSALMS & #scripture #songs w chapter + verse references so you can FIND God's #promises in #Bible to ALL who honor Him.
How to Quiet Your Mind So You Can Hear From God — Dawn Klinge
How to Quiet Your Mind So You Can Hear From God I Distractions are everywhere, but there are steps we can take to minimize those distractions and quiet our thoughts, even in the midst of our busy lives. We need quiet pauses in our day. We need to make space for listening to the most important voice of all- the voice of God. I Above the Waves II #meditation #listeningtoGod