
358 Pins
Featured Quilt of the Week - "Savannah Summer"
The contrast of the white-on-white background of this baby quilt with the rainbow of 30s reproduction fabrics makes me think of summer time...
Top 100 Free Quilt Patterns of 2016
Top 100 Free Quilt Patterns of 2016 | Did your favorite make the cut? Here's our top 100 quilt patterns from 2016!
Hmm, good scrap quilt project. Use up random fabrics and just place together. Perfect for a charity quilt project too - easy. // Good for this beginner!
Covering Feed Dogs?
How-to Free Motion Quilt on a regular machine – great directions — thorough. | REPINNED
Before using this method I struggled with my quilt sandwich. So easy. Uses pipe insulation. I just pin the fabric on and roll them up. Then I can sit at the table to pin baste.
Free pattern day: Baby quilts ! (part 1) (Quilt Inspiration)
Happy New Year to all, and welcome to the 43rd Free Pattern Day at Quilt Inspiration!!! We love baby and toddler quilts, and we're sharing 100 adorable patterns over the next 2 weeks! Here is Part 1
Quilting Lessons: The Basics of Nesting Seams
Do you nest your seams? Assemble your quilt top with more accuracy by learning the the power of nesting seams in patchwork.
Start A Fire
Karen's Quilts, Crows and Cardinals: Tutorial - Mitered and Flanged Machine Binding
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Efficient ways to cut up your fat quarters to use in quilts. This one produces four 9" squares and one 3-1/2" x 18" strip. Get more useful quilting info at QuiltersDiary.com.