Odds & Ends

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Discover the secrets to harnessing the power within you to effortlessly attract money and abundance. Learn how to activate your internal 'wealth DNA' and manifest financial prosperity like never before. Money magnetism, Wealth DNA activation, Mindset reprogramming #MoneyMagnetism #WealthDNAActivation #MindsetReprogramming how to manifest manifestation visionary art 2024 vision board vision board
Learn the right way to manifest Your dreams to some true. Visit site for free video.
Discover the secrets to harnessing the power within you to effortlessly attract money and abundance. Learn how to activate your internal 'wealth DNA' and manifest financial prosperity like never before. Money magnetism, Wealth DNA activation, Mindset reprogramming #MoneyMagnetism #WealthDNAActivation #MindsetReprogramming how to manifest manifestation visionary art 2024 vision board vision board
You pay attention to what matters to you. A relationship is of two. It takes both of you to nurture it together. Powerful message. Marriage is the starting line not the finish line. Cherish every moment with your partner. . . . #LoveWithoutLimits #CherishYourPartner #Appreciation #RelationshipGoals #Gratitude #TrueLove #reel #marriageworks #love #relationships #mindset #success #corevalues
🏹Having the right SKILLS is everything!👩‍❤️‍👨 Imagine this: You are NOT a zoologist (obviously) and a hyena comes rushing towards you. Ummmm ahhhhhh!!!!! Run, hide, freak out! But if you had the SKILLS to cope with a hyena, you would know that you actually stand as tall as possible and DO NOT run. Communication is the #1 barrier to problem solving. But, we don’t get taught how to communicate! 🙌🏽 Comment TIPS and I will send you a quick reference guide on how to have hard conversations go ...
10 Best Honeymoon hotels Around The World📍🌍 TOP 10! For Those Who Want To Baecation, Solocation, Honeymoon. This series is for you! Follow @explorewithmairy for more travel inspo Everyday! Dm if you would like to repost! #beachvibes #vacation #islandlife #turquoisewater #beautifulhotels #placestostay #hotelsofinstagram #besthotelsintheworld #honeymoondestinations #beachandresorts #hotelview #placestovisit #traveldestinations #chaletalfoss #gililankanfushi
Mara Dias Mandalas
O tempo do jardim é o tempo do outro. O jardim tem o seu próprio tempo, do qual não posso dispor como quiser. Cada planta tem seu próprio tempo. No jardim muitos tempos próprios se cruzam. (...) É admirável que cada planta tem uma pronunciada consciência de tempo, talvez até mais do que o ser humano, que se tornou, hoje, sem tempo, pobre de tempo. O jardim torna possível uma experiência intensiva do tempo. Byung-chul Han