home made

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Life Hacks For Living Large In Small Spaces 2022
Towel Rods on the Back of the Door. Make full use of the tiny space behind your doors!
Hide the downspout with a trellis. Hide your rain spout by transforming into a decorative climbing support for your favorite flowering climbing vine. I really like this idea and it looks great too.
Love this Cover the downspout with a trellis. Disguise your rain spout by reworking right into a d...
How to Make Baby Shower Booties Out of Tissues | ehow.com
What an adorable party favor for a baby shower! Baby tissue paper booties filled with colorful candy! So easy to make, get a group together and knock these out: http://www.ehow.com/how_12041928_make-baby-shower-booties-out-tissues.html?utm_source=pinterest.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=inline&utm_campaign=fanpage