study tips,nursing

784 Pins
Why Nursing? They're the ones who open the eyes of a newborn & gently close the eyes of a dying man. It is indeed a privilege to be the first & last to witnesd the beginning and end of life. So true. Nursing is the most rewarding profession out there.
Cherokee Uniforms
Nurses are a unique kind. They have this insatiable need to care for others, which is both their biggest STRENGTH and fatal FLAW. #nurse #quotes #nursing #Cherokee
Jobs For Nurses - Over 50 Different Nursing Positions |
What you do as a nurse? lots! A great list of 100 Things You Can Do With A Nursing Degree: Pin Now - Read Later!
1 Corinthians 13- Love Is Patient rustic Sign (Black)
This beautiful prayer says it all to a nurse and from a nurse! These are hand…
Even artichokes have hearts.: Photo
Would've been more fun taking notes like this in nursing school. Bring on the lactulose!
Correct Order of Blood Draws
Correct Order of Blood Draws: blood culture, light blue, red, gold, dark green, light green, lavender, light yellow, grey.