in the grass garden

333 Pins
10 Grassless Backyards
10 Grassless Backyards - Sugar and Charm - sweet recipes - entertaining tips - lifestyle inspiration
Amy Martin Landscape Design,Miscanthus Sinensis 'Morning Light', Maiden Grass Morning Light, Eulalia Morning Light, Drought tolerant plant, Ornamental grass Morning Light, Low maintenance ornamental grass, Hydrangea Paniculata
Planting - Ann-Marie Powell Gardens
Digitalis ferruginea erupts from a border of Stipa tenuissima like floral fireworks making the best use of vertical border space.
Dry Gardens in England (19 of 21) | RHS Gardens Hyde Hall, Essex, UK | Dry Gardens in England (19 of 21) | RHS Gardens Hyde Hall, Essex
Creeping Red Fescue - Green Meadow Growers
Festuca rubra | Creeping Red Fescue Can be left un-mown for a lush prairie appearance | generally needs full sun to thrive | Reasonably well-drained soil Moderate watering | somewhat drought tolerant if shaded | Zone 7-11 | Space 1-2′ | Height 12″
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over flowing planting in planters |
1 : Centaurea bella 2 : Artemisia lanata 3 : Euphorbia rigida 4 : Asphodelus microcarpus 5 : Lavandula x intermedia 'Grosso' 6 : Ballota acetabulosa 7 : Phlomis x cytherae 8 : Artemisia arborescens 'Carcassonne'
Re-Introducing Hedgerows to Residential Landscapes: Why We Still Need a Side Order of Messy - Ecological Landscape Alliance
Natural Landscape