Holy Land

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Ketef Hinnom Amulets:Two tiny silver scrolls in the form of amulets were discovered at a burial cave at Ketef Hinnom. Written in ancient Hebrew script dated to the 7th century BCE, the scrolls comprise the earliest-known fragments of a biblical text and pre-date the earliest scrolls from Qumran by more than 300 years.A form of what is known as the priestly blessing is contained in the scroll.It also contains the oldest known form of the Divine Name of God(Known as the Tetragrammatom)
Capernaum - Wikipedia
Capernum was a fishing village in the time of the Hasmoneans. Located on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee.[1] It had a population of about 1,500.[2] Archaeological excavations have revealed two ancient synagogues built one over the other. A church near Capernaum is said to be the home of Saint Peter.
Via Dolorosa. Where Jesus walked through with his cross on his way to calvary.
The Bible Unearthed (History Channel version 2009) ... Youtube ... I really enjoyed watching this, it was like being there!
Ancient Tides
This could be the first-ever portrait of Jesus Christ, possibly even created in the lifetime of those who knew him. The extraordinary picture is one of the recently discovered hoard of up to 70 lead codices found in a cave in the hills overlooking the Sea of Galilee.
Laurence Gardner - House of David Inscription - Temple Ostracon
In 1993 a discovery was made at Tel Dan (at the foot of Mount Hermon) A large basalt stele - On this, thirteen lines of Aramaic script. The inscription was created by King Hazael of Aram-Damascus in about 825 BC, and it relates to his father, Hadad II, being victorious in battle against Jehosaphat (c. 860 BC). The most important aspect of the text, however, is that it specifically relates to Hadad defeating the "foot soldiers, charioteers and horsemen of the King of "the House of David."
An Ancient Tablet discovered - In Jerusalem a tablet, three-foot-tall with 87 lines written in Hebrew is believed by scholars to date back to decades just before the Yeshua’s (Jesus’s) birth. It is causing quite a stir worldwide, it speaks about a messiah who will rise from the dead after three days. The tablet was found near the Dead Sea on the Jordanian side and it is a rare finding of a stone with ink writings from that time era. Some describe it as a type of Dead Sea Scroll written on stone.
Bible and Archaeology - Online Museum
The location of a first-century AD house in the village of Capernaum that archaeological evidence indicates was quite likely the home of the Apostle Peter with whom Jesus probably lived (Mark 1 and 2). The miracle during which a paralyzed man was lowered through the roof likely occurred at this location. Excavations made on the site found that it was used early in the Christian era as a church and as a place of pilgrimage. An inscription that refer to Jesus Christ were found.
Bible and Archaeology - Online Museum
This ancient Babylonian tablet is part of the Babylonian Chronicles, which, among other events, records the capture of Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 597 BC. The event is also recorded in the Bible in 2 Kings 25. The tablet was written in the 6th century BC, and is made of baked clay. It is a little over three inches in height and the writing is in the Akkadian language using cuneiform script. It was discovered in the late 1800s in Babylon and is now located in the British Museum.
This secret footage took my BREATH AWAY! - Smuggled out at GREAT RISK!!! - YouTube
The Ten Commandments that Moses brought down from Mount Sinai on two stone tablets are found in their purest form on a strip of ancient delicate parchment. This scroll is part of the Dead Sea Scrolls, a trove of biblical and religious writings that were only discovered by accident in the 1940s in a desert cave east of Jerusalem.
The tomb of Jesus. Casual observation of the tomb would not reveal anything that would verify that this was Jesus' tomb. But closer examination of both the tomb and the Bible record reveal several incredible features: