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Open Doors International
.please help the persecuted christians.
Weep Not The Lion of Judah atop the Wailing Wall holding key of David, His blood stain on the wall, roaring of the nations as men cry for Messiah to come, we are drawing ever closer to the day when every eye will see Him, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
How Great Is Our GOD❤️
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Always be on "Fire" for God! Deuteronomy 4:24 For Jehovah your God is a consuming fire, a God who requires exclusive devotion.
New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
Knowing Jesus - Community - Google+
Proverbs 31 Bible Study | The Bride of Christ - A Virtuous Woman
When I asked myself today- who am I and what would be left if everything else was stripped away? I had to come back to Christ. My 38 years are because of him- by him I see more clearly... My goal? Don't forget that Christ is my life.
Personalized Wedding Sign Scripture Verse I Have Found The One My Soul Loves Song of Solomon
Bible Verse Scripture Song of Solomon 3:4 Weddings Wedding Sign Wedding Decor Home Decor Anniversary I have found the one whom my soul loves by CarovaBeachCrafts
Beyond Ordinary By Justin & Trisha Davis - Book Review - MARRIAGE AFTER GOD
very true, but one has to be sure to measure forgiveness because some things you just can't undo...
10 Encouraging Bible Verses & Uplifting Scriptures [FREE PDF]
Need some encouragement today? Check out these 10 encouraging Bible Verses reminding Us of God’s Faithfulness -