
215 Pins
19 DIY Ways To Make Barbie's House Cooler Than Your House
Barbie’s house — and closet — is about to be way cooler than yours.
Портал рукоделия - play with dolls :: Subject: Angel_: Dresses of my "angel" (12/34)
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~inspiration: GOLD & YELLOW~ - tonya f - Picasa Web Albums
Портал рукоделия - Играем в куклы: Настасья1406: учусь быть мамой дочки! (68/74)
Mon choix photo pour ce Lundi Soleil "Saumon" - PipiouLand. Le blog du Dragon des îles
Le Saumon de mars pour " Lundi Soleil"
YuliaZ's Crocheted dress for 16" Deja Vu Tonner doll
Ravelry: YuliaZ's Crocheted dress for 16" Deja Vu Tonner doll
Cami in Cozy Couture sweater
Explore bccan designs' photos on Flickr. bccan designs has uploaded 343 photos to Flickr.
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