clearing of energy

8 Pins
100 Life Changing Actions to Turn into Habits - Strange & Charmed
100 Life Changing Actions to Turn into Habits They say if you control your habits, you control your life! So, I’ve been collecting and refining a list of actions or activities that I think are essential for us to master and turn into habits in our lives. They are broken down into ten major areas or …
Colour and Emotion: How Your Website Colours Could Turn Customers Away
Colour and Emotion How Your Website Colours Could Turn Customers Away #Infographic
Sarah Petruno Shamanism - Heal Your Mind, Body & Spirit
Try one of these 4 methods for releasing pain and emotions that are no longer serving you!
7 Law of Attraction Hacks That Will Change Your Life Forever
7 Law of Attraction Hacks That Will Change Your Life Forever
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I often hear people say things like, “I want to start a meditation practice, but I don’t have time” or “I just can’t sit still that long” and so on. But meditation doesn’t have to be sitting still for...
8 Mystical Meditation Mantras That Raise Your Consciousness
8 ancient meditation mantras:which one is your favorite?
Sarah Petruno Co - Shamanic Healer, Creator, Essential Oil Educator
5 Minutes. Super effective for reducing anxiety and bringing peace and calm - worked better than medication for me! Only 6 easy steps and it works.