oh so beautiful objects

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Miniature embroidery by Chloe Giordano is as cute (and tiny) as a button | Freepik Blog
Miniature embroidery by Chloe Giordano is as cute (and tiny) as a button
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kitchen chair #kurbits #chair -- this is very close to a combination of Rosemaling which is from Norway. Kurbits usually has a vase in it that all motifs come flowering from.
Handmade Rose and Bird Cross Stitched Oak Wood Backpack. Handmade Embroidered…
Awesome Products: Cloud concrete toilet roll holder | Bathroom Design
Concrete cloud shaped toilet paper holder! Amazing! #product_design
Steampunk Animal Sculptures
Russian artist Igor Verniy creates beautiful steampunk animal sculptures out of metal parts from cars, clocks, appliances, and electronics. The joints on many of Verniy’s sculptures are functional, allowing his animals to be posed in all manner of lifelike postures.