Love Love Love

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Prayer to see others mercifully
Here’s a prayer you can say when you need to look upon others with mercy. We all need mercy. Resist the temptation to condemn or judge, and see others as Jesus sees you. He is the one that elevates us higher, and we all have an equal right to his forgiveness and love.
TEN WAYS TO LOVE 1 Listen Without Interrupting Proverbs 18 2 Speak Without Accusing James 119 3 Give Without Sparing Provertbs 2126 4 Pray Without Ceasing Colossians 19 5 Answer Without Arguing Proverbs 171 6 Share Without Pretending Ephesians 415 7 Enjoy Without Complaint Philipians 214 8 Trust Without Wavering 1 Corinthians 137 9 Forgive Without Punishing Colossians 313 10 Promise Without Forgetting Proverbs 1312 -LG | Love Meme on ME.ME