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The future is created by our actions
Palucraft strives to change the lives of Engineers, Technicians, and Artisans by helping them obtain the GCC Factories and become competent GMR 2(1) and 2(7) appointees. Today we do a throwback and remember the impact we had on Bongani Hlophe. In the words of Mr. Hlophe, "...The future is created by our actions and these actions change both the future and the maker of the actions..."
2024 Career Success
2024 is fast approaching. Choose to pursue that next qualification, certification, and training to move your career focus. You are one decision away to achieving career success. What will you be pursuing in 2024?
Job satisfaction is the goal
Having the right skills for your current position is a great feeling because you will have the confidence, and it can open other opportunities. It also helps to work on the skills required for that promotion. What skills will you be improving for you to succeed in 2024?
Increase motivation and productivity through skills development
Skills = Experience + Qualifications + Certification + Training With the right skill combination, you will feel motivated because you have the confidence that you can deliver on the outcomes of your job. What career development plans do you have for 2024? #Careerdevelopment
Success requires daily action
Improving your skills is a combination of the following: 1. Experience 2. Qualifications 3. Certifications 4. Training Work on the above, and you will start seeing career success. Could you let us know what you'll add to the above list? #Palucraft #CareerDevelopment
You automatically lose the chances you don't take
Engineers, technicians, and artisans matter
Today is the day you should prioritise your engineering because you are the hope for the advancement of your country.
I have the power to create change
Engineers, technicians, and artisans run the world. It is our duty to ensure service delivery and transform the lives of our fellow country men and women. Today, choose to be the change you want to see in the engineering industry. Do you agree? #Palucraft
Success is a process
The challenge many engineers have is developing the ability to be patient about their career success. Achieving great career success takes time. It requires consistency. Today, decide to trust the process and be patient with your career. Is that a good idea? #Palucraft
Take one day at a time to achieve career success
Achieving career success takes time & effort. Please make sure you have a plan & take one day at a time. Have a good plan that will see you obtain the relevant: - qualifications - certifications - experience - training interventions Does that sound like a good career plan? #motivation
Career Success Takes Time
Developing into a competent Certificated Engineer or GMR 2.1 appointee takes time. The first step is getting the GCC Factories and then prioritising getting the correct type of experience. Always trust the process and never give up. You got this! #MondayMotivation #Palucraft
Achieving Engineering Career Success
Engineering career success has three essential components: 1. Discipline 2. Continuously improve your skills 3. Adopt a lifelong learning mentality Try these in 2023 and see what happens.
Dream it, then do it!
Achieving engineering career success is possible. It all starts with having a career goal and then a plan on how to attain the goal. Have a productive week ahead! #MondayMotivation #Palucraft
Take a Long-term view to have a Successful Engineering Career
Achieving success in an engineering career takes time. It will help if you take a long-term view and trust the process. Here is what can help: - Have a career goal & plan - Seek mentors or role models - Focus on executing your plan What would you add to the above list?