organizing ideas

177 Pins
Things You Have Been Doing Wrong This Whole Time Just Like The Rest Of Us
Things You Have Been Doing Wrong This Whole Time Just Like The Rest Of Us
How to Hang a Sweater
How to Hang a Sweater without stretching out the shoulders. I love this tip-I like to keep my sweater hanging so my closet is more organized and I can see my options when picking out clothes!
15 DIY Home Organization Ideas That'll Cost You Next to Nothing
16 Closet Organization Hacks That Will Change Your Life
My KonMari Journey: Sentimental - Keepsakes
My KonMari Journey: Sentimental - Keepsakes - Teacher by trade, Mother by nature
The KonMari Method: Organizing Sentimental Items
Organizing sentimental items can be tricky, but the KonMari Method helped us complete the process quickly and easily, decluttering and tidying up our meaningful mementos! | #konmari #konmarimethod #mariekondo #organization #tidy #tidyingup #organized #declutter #decluttering
Eliminate Paper Clutter Forever with the KonMari Method of Decluttering
I hate paper clutter! This was an great guide to using the KonMari method to declutter paper. So much easier to stay organized now!
Declutter List: Things to Throw Away, Donate or Recycle
A great room-by-room list of things to throw away to help your home feel clean and uncluttered! It will make all the difference!