ART Lessons

140 Pins
Who knew painting with salt would turn out so cool!
Salt Painting - This is such a cool project! I love that it only uses a few materials and it looks so fun!
Leaf Craft Idea | My Baking Addiction
DIY Leaf Decor - DIY Picture. These are so cool!
Aztec Sun - have done a similar project before with watercolor, but I like the intensity of the pastels.
One Point Perspective City tut by Swingerzetta on DeviantArt
One Point Perspective City tut by ~Swingerzetta on deviantART
After School flop. I'd recommend having NEW paints or markers or crayons - something the kids are excited to use. I enjoyed this project and am planning to give the hand shown to my mother (Need a hand Mom?).
Chalk and glue insects. Like this as an alternative to the flowers we normally do.
October 2013 - Art Teacher in LA
Middle school spooky houses. From art teacher in L.A. Blog
October 2013 - Page 2 of 2 - Art Teacher in LA
Gorgeous Thiebaud-inspired chalk pastel cakes with value for 6th grade. Teacher uses crayola chalks
Apex Elementary Art
Apex Elementary Art: whimsical landscapes/foreground, middle ground, background and maybe even a little warm/cool info