30 Pins
I want to be there, this looks so nice...and of course i want to be there with these pretty flash tattoos :D
Dream Closet Couture New Arrivals - Dresses, Rompers & More!
This is from Dream Closet Couture ! Finally found it :)
more - Style, beauty, love, and everything in between.
"I'm defined by my character, and my character is a strong woman who's independent, following her dreams, wants love, wants a family, and wants to succeed just like anybody else in this world." - Gina Rodriguez
Violetta 3
violetta-s3: Hors serie "article special soy luna"
Backstage at the Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World. Photo: One of the Seven Dwarfs at Disney World, by Katherine Rodeghier
Vilu cast : Tini Stoessel Mechi Lambre Lodovica Comello Candelaria Molfese Valeria Baroni *-----------* <3<3 Besos a todos!! @TiniStoesel
Pagina no encontrada - TKM Argentina
A Bridgit le presentaron a Tini Stoessel en su visita a la Argentina. Qué lujo, el de la protagonista de Violetta!