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Mathieu Nab Sculptures I Modern Art Book I Photography by Frank Brandwijk I Interior 'Wood'
VISION (Constantin Brancusi (Romanian/French, 1876 -...) Etude pour le Portrait de Mme Eugène Meyer Jr., 1916-1933
Constantin Brancusi’s objects
Fantastic "modern abstract art geometric" information is available on our web pages. Have a look and you will not be sorry you did. #modernabstractartgeometric
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Réunion des Musées Nationaux-Grand Palais -
Works 2010-2020 — Jose Gabriel Fernandez
Erotes, 2010. Fiberglass, carbon fiber, polyurethane resin, and lacquer paint 55 x 35 x 13 in.
'Kin 7 (Small Modern Industrial Steel Zigzag statuette)' by Petr Pergler
Metal Angular Abstract Modern Contemporary sculpture statuary sculpture by artist Petr Pergler titled: 'Kin 7 (Small Little Interior Modern Industrial Steel Zigzag statuette)'
Nevelson, Louise – sculpture
Louise Nevelson Untitled, 1950’s, Painted Wood, 31″ x 12″ x 11 1/2″