
427 Pins
4 Reasons to Make God a Priority in Your Finances
If you're struggling to make God a priority in your life and in your finances, this post from Brittany of Equipping Godly Women will help you determine how and where to get started making God a priority in your financial life!
The Top 14 Effective Bible Study Methods (with FREE Printables!) -
Discover the Best Bible study method when reading the Bible. Looking for ways to deepen your understanding of the Bible? Check out this post on ways to study the Bible with power and effectiveness. Use this prayer to ask for wisdom and revelation when studying the Bible. #prayer #bible #biblestudy #bibleart #prayers #prayerwarrior
How To Make a Faith Journal - Life, Love, and Jesus
How to make a Faith Journal. A Faith Journal is more than just a prayer journal where you keep prayer requests, although it is that. It is more than a place to take sermon notes, although it is also that. It is more than a list of ideas for Bible study, although that too belongs. It is a record of your growth in faith.
Women's Bible Study
Looking for an amazing Women’s Bible study for free? Join the Woman you are set free Challenge today, this online Bible studies will set your faith on fire. #biblestudies #bible #faith