
392 Pins
Turkish Delight Recipe
This is an easy Turkish delight recipe that will truly delight your family.. Turkish Delight Recipe from Grandmothers Kitchen.
Date Honey Nut Cake
Date Honey Nut Cake - A moist, dairy-free cake bursting with flavor. Kosher, Pareve, Dairy Free, and perfect for Rosh Hashanah or Sukkot. | #dairyfree #RoshHashanah #cake #dessert #TorisKitchen via @toriavey
Sjokolade Salami - Annelien Pienaar
Hierdie happie is natuurlik my doodskoot net voor slapenstyd met ’n laaste teetjie. Ek weet dit is ongesond, maar dit doen ek net vir Kerstyd en ek maak genoeg om tot in die Nuwejaar te hou! Die resep is nogal maklik om te maak en die duurste
Easy Stovetop Candied Pecans Recipe
Christmas is comin’ up quick. It’s October, but December is right around the corner. I love this recipe because it’s so easy and inexpensive. It only took me about 15 minutes to make. The pecans cool quickly and you have a nice gift to take to a friend, or a teacher, or you can snack on …
Lekkerste, klam vrugtekoek | Landbou
Lekkerste, klam vrugtekoek