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IFA Paris Student Work: Fashion school in Paris and Shanghai | 2010 Photoshoot
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Monster Ball idea #1 I've got the ball skirt for this...thinking instead of the spikes sewing roses on with eyes in the center of each rose. Pans Labyrinth and that horrific blind creature with the eyes in it's hands coming to mind...Of course there needs to be a head piece as well...need to sketch this out shortly
Irina Shaposnikova : Crystallographica Collection - Structured shoulder garment
JOJO POST FASHION: FASHION IS ALL ABOUT CONFIDENCE. wearable technology. Modern, Insane Cyberpunk Hair, futuristic fashion, cyber fashion, futuristic look, Shoes, Night, Day, Girl, Teen, woman, Man Fashion. Hat, Cuff, Bracelet, Nail, futuristic boy, cyberpunk, cyber punk, cyber hair, future fashion. Steam, carapace, future, sexy, futuristic, futurism, sci-fi, scifi, futuristic girl, futuristic style, futuristic fashion.