
297 Pins
0914(gonguilsa), 도산 플래그십스토어 오픈
architecture and aesthetics go hand in hand in this building facade. #white #red #facade #window #architecture #work #project
Marseille, the Secret Capital of France (Published 2013)
Marseille has undergone a slew of sleek development projects of late, but it remains a gloriously seedy and lively city, as characterized by contrasts as it is by abundant sun and sea.
precious things
germanpostwarmodern: “ House Dr Fischer (1926-27) in Wuppertal, Germany, by Hans Heinz Lüttgen ”
Schoon schip: prachtige pakketbootvilla uit jaren 30 gerestaureerd
De mooiste pakketbootvilla van ons land strandde eind jaren 30 op een van de groenste plekken van Ukkel.
569. The Church of San Giovanni Battista
569. The Church of San Giovanni Battista – ZandMe's 999 Good Things