
43 Pins
The unstoppable rise of the Deep Web - The Kernel
The unstoppable rise of the Deep Web : Gadget
Pentode Radio Tube USB Drive. Love this I soooo want one lol.
Did you ever wonder how to do some of those special characters like ? and ? ? Well, here you are! All in one printable list.
Infographic List - Infographics + Interesting Articles
Computer Virus And Related Terminologies [INFOGRAPHIC] : Gadget
The heads-up display allows you to look at data on your windscreen and you can return calls or send text messages through voice commands. A great way of avoiding fumbling for your phone so you can keep your eyes on the road. d'autres gadgets ici : http://
Ultimate Chart of Computer Connectors / Ports | PRR
The Ultimate Chart of Computer Connectors & Ports
The Lexus Hoverboard - If It's Hip, It's Here
Everything You Need To Know About The Lexus Hoverboard
Exact Colour of a Leaf, Exact Colour of an Apple
How cool is this pen?!!!
19 Genius Improvements To Everyday Products
Your flash drives could display the files they contain. | 19 Genius Improvements To Everyday Products
123 inspiration
Smart Health Talk Top Greening Your Life Tip. Solar Powered Window Socket. Are these awesome or what. Think of the applications. How about hotel rooms where they never have enough plugs. Could you carry one with you everywhere just in case of an emergency and your cell phone was dying. Just shows what kinds of things we could invent.
Truly useful things you never knew you needed
Truly useful things you never knew you needed
Best Pinterest Pins Of 2013
Here's a design concept for a transparent iPad by artist Ricardo Afonso that might seem far-fetched, but transparent screens are certainly not impossible...