Mid-century modern nightstands - Oak and white MDF

Making a set of two nightstands with a mid-century modern design. The tops, made out of oak wood, were routed to join perfectly with the body of the nightstands made out of white satin painted MDF. The drawer fronts with routed finger pulls were also made out of oak wood. The oak wood tapered legs were cut to a certain angle so they match perfectly with the entire design
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How to make mid century modern nightstands
How we build a set of two mid century modern nightstands
How to make 1-drawer mid century nightstands
white satin painted mid century modern nightstands
How to make 1-drawer white satin painted nightstands
making 1-drawer white satin painted mid century modern nightstands with oak wood top, routed finger pull fronts and angled tapered legs
Mid century modern nightstands
how to make mid century one drawer nightstands out of white satin painted MDF and oak wood
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How to make angled tapered legs for mid century nightstands
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The joint between the sides of the nightstand and the top
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Routing the oak wood top with a 45 degrees router bit
to join the sides of the nightstands we routed the edge of the tops with a 45 degrees router bit
Routing the ends of the tops
routing the ends of the top with a flush trim bearing router bit to join it with the sides of our nightstand body
Building the nightstands' boxes and the tops
we first built the nightstands boxes, and then the oak wood tops
Building the oak tops for the nightstands
we built the tops of our mid century nightstands out of an wide oak wood panel