Seeds and pods

Seeds and Pods
410 Pins
Estranha e ornamental: conheça a semente da flor de lótus
paisagismo-flor-de-lotus-4 (Foto: Divulgação)
geometric forms in nature
illawarra flame tree seeds - Google Search
Coriaria myrtifolia - Japanischer Gerberstrauch, Corroyère à feuilles de myrte, Redoul, Herbe-aux-tanneurs
Coriaria Myrtifolia
Melaleuca (?) Seed Pods
I think these are Melaleuca (tea tree) seed pods. Not the same species as the other Melaleuca I shot on this trip, though. Shot in San Francisco, California, in late December.
Fired Earth
robynsnature: “ A further note on bringing birds into the garden. Pictured above is Banksia integrifolia, not only brilliant for nectar feeding but also seed eaters giving you are more diverse range...
Iris Seed Pods (We would like to say thankyou to the following people who made their phototgraphs available for use under the Creative Commons Licence. Xerone, petrichor, Sarey, Karenwithak, Sarey, Sarey, Noel Lee, zerpheus) - Gardening Go
Banksia seed capsule close-up
Banksia seed capsule close-up Coast Banksia (Banksia integrifolia)
Seed pod in Hawaii. I brought one of these home :)