
94 Pins
6 Ways to Teach Your Kids to be an Optimist
6 Ways to Teach Your Kids to Be Optimistic (and get them out of a sour mood!)
29+ Fun & Creative Crafts For Kids!
DIY Ribbon Bookmarks (ribbon, hairbands, and buttons!) -- 29 creative crafts for kids that adults will actually enjoy doing, too!
33 Activities Under $10 That Will Keep Your Kids Busy All Summer
Super-fun balloon rockets also teach an important science lesson. | 33 Activities Under $10 That Will Keep Your Kids Busy All Summer
32 Cheap And Easy Backyard Ideas That Are Borderline Genius
Hang a tarp between two trees and cut shapes out so the kids can practice their throwing motions. | 32 Cheap And Easy Backyard Ideas That Are Borderline Genius
32 Cheap And Easy Backyard Ideas That Are Borderline Genius
Use glow necklaces and glow bracelets for a few rounds of night time ring toss. | 32 Cheap And Easy Backyard Ideas That Are Borderline Genius
A Preschool Snowflake Masterpiece
Snowflake art - just remove the tape when the paint dries! cute kid holiday art project
24 Cheap Summer Activities for Kids
Camp Mom—20 activities to make summer awesome for everyone