Effective Parenting

Whispers Through Time: Communication Through the Ages and Stages of Childhood (A Little Hearts Handbook)
Our children aren't our enemies <3 ~L.R.Knost www.littleheartsbooks.com
Effective Parenting 101 ~ Because I may need to know this one day.
New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
I love this - turning a negative into a positive :)
The Gentle Parent: Positive, Practical, Effective Discipline (A Little Hearts Handbook)
"In connecting you are joining forces with your child to solve a problem. In controlling you are exerting force against your child for having a problem. Work with your child instead of against them because together you can accomplish so much more." L.R.Knost www.littleheartsbooks.com
Practical, Gentle, Effective Discipline | L.R.Knost-Little Hearts/Gentle Parenting Resources
Solutions, not retribution! Beautifully stated. Find out how with Conscious Discipline, www.consciousdiscipline.com #iheartcd
The Thoughtful Parent’s Guide to Positive Parenting Guides | L.R.Knost-Little Hearts/Gentle Parenting Resources
"Inviting cooperation rather than forcing compliance grows leaders instead of reaping followers." ~L.R.Knost
Want to help stop the bullying epidemic? Don't act like a bully. Don't hit, threaten, ignore, intimidate, isolate, ridicule, or manipulate you child. Children learn what they live!
The Gentle Parent: Positive, Practical, Effective Discipline (A Little Hearts Handbook)
"Respect is a learned behavior just like any other, and children learn it best by imitation just like they do with other behaviors. Teach them respect by showing them respect and by showing respect to others in front of them." L.R.Knost http://www.littleheartsbooks.com
This is SO TRUE, unfortunately!!! :-( I always deserved & required respect growing up...But did I GET it from that cruel, hateful-mouthed asshole??? Hell, no, unfortunately. :-( Anybody evil enough to call her own GOOD, SWEET daughter the "b" word is NOT a "mother"!!!!!! THAT is NOTHING BUT SATAN in the flesh!!!!!! Calling good women the "b" word is a form of abuse!!! Common Sense would tell anybody that!!!
Culture of Violence: Children Learn What They Live