
66 Pins
A Woman Who Opens Her Heart (Live Life Happy)
A Woman who opens her heart to love you, when its already broken, is braver than any person you’ll meet. – Steven Benson
Love Quotes Pics
You’re one of the people I never asked from God, but still, He gave you to me. I asked Him why, He said, “Because he can fill your life like no one else can.”
Yep. At least it feels like it from time to time. But maybe figure out what they are doing for you that you dont do for yourself. #relationship
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So true even if he says we will get married and be a happy family... In the ends still plenty of side chicks and ass whoopings...
20 Heartbreaking Quotes To Help You Heal After Breaking Up With Your Soulmate
"Sometimes, it's not the person you miss. It's the feeling you had when you were with them."