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30 Day Hourglass Figure Workout (Smaller Waist & Bigger Butt)
Want a smaller waist? Start adding these moves to your ab workout. For this move, it's going to mainly target your obliques, upper body and thighs. Your glutes will also benefit from this compound movement #fullbodyworkout #totalbodyworkout #coreworkout #smallerwaistexercise #tinywaistworkout #abworkout #flatbellyworkout #flattummy #smallerwaistworkout
Total Body Workout: 6 Minutes To Incinerate Fat, Get Lean & Strong!
This workout will challenge your body to the max. Absolutely great for building upper and lower body muscles. Plus, you're going to burn tons of calories to speed up fat loss. #fullbodyworkout #totalbodyworkout #bellyfatexercises #squats #upperbodyworkout