
16 Pins
Lego B-17 Flying Fortress in metallic silver bricks - Make:
B-17 Flying Fortress - #Metallic #Silver #Lego
Those Canadians have had it too good for too long! - The Brothers Brick
At the Edge of the Future Main by ✠Andreas, via Flickr
LEGO Custom Stug 3 III German WW2 Panzer Tank 0
LEGO Custom Stug 3 III German WW2 Panzer Tank 0 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Brickmania - M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer - Kit, $200.00 (
Legos - a gallery on Flickr
Amazing Garden Sculptures Made With LEGO Bricks at Reiman Gardens
Amazing Garden Sculptures Made with LEGO Bricks at Reiman Gardens
24 Unexpectedly Awesome Lego Creations
24 Unexpectedly Awesome Lego Creations Not every LEGO creation needs to follow the manual. Sometimes not doing things by the book can lead to some pretty incredible builds.