Zukünftige Projekte

41 Pins
HDmall: Pengiriman Obat & Booking Klinik | HDmall
Instagram photo taken by homebymica - INK361
Mange Debout Et Tabourets Hauts En Palettes • 1001 Pallets
mange debout3 Mange debout et tabourets hauts en palettes in pallet outdoor project with Terrace Table Stool Pallets Furnitures
Vibrant Versatile Futons
Vibrant Versatile Futons - This Awesome Futon is Both a Bed and a Relaxing Chair (GALLERY) - FIGO FUTON
Höst Restaurant, Copenhagen
Höst Restaurant, Copenhagen | Trendland: Design Blog & Trend Magazine Maybe have the counter on lockable casters?
DIY Pallet Swing Bed
DIY Pallet swing bed...instead of a hammock