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3 Sections
Pruning and Shaping Your Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant
Given proper care, plenty of sunshine, and enough soil to expand its root ball, your fiddle leaf fig will grow quickly. Healthy plants may grow several inches or even a few feet each year. They can get lopsided or too big for their location in a hurry. Pruning will keep your plant healthy,
Fiddle Leaf Fig Fanatic! How to Propagate Plants from Cuttings
Don’t say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks! After years of joking about my “brown thumb,” I’m getting really excited about gardening and plants. It’s so rew…
How Can You Tell the Difference Between a Dry and Over Watered Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant?
The two most common problems for fiddle leaf fig plants are ironically the opposite: too much and too little water. Here are the subtle differences between an over watered and under watered fiddle leaf fig plant! Claire Akin
Hardy Jasmine Vines: Choosing Jasmine Plants For Zone 6
Hardy Jasmine Vines: Choosing Jasmine Plants For Zone - With a little extra care in winter, even common jasmine can be grown in zone 6. However, winter jasmine or Jasminum nudiflorum, is the more often grown jasmine variety for zone 6. Click this article to learn more about growing jasmine in zone 6.
How to Prune a Fiddle Leaf Fig (Video)
Pruning a fiddle leaf fig is an important part of keeping your plant healthy and looking its best. In this video, we'll discuss how to prune a fiddle leaf fig, the tools to use, and what to look out for to keep your plant safe. After you prune your plant, don't forget to feed it with
Six Ways to Tell if Your Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree is Healthy
How to tell if your Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree is healthy. Tip #1. Are there brown spots on the leaves? Click to read all of the tips to find out if your Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree is healthy. #fiddleleaffigtree #gardening #houseplants
Fiddle Leaf Fig Propagation: 100% Success in 2 Easy Ways!
propagate-fiddle-leaf-fig-apieceofrainbowblog (5)
How to Prune and Propagate a Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree — Jaelan Mincey
Easily prune fiddle leaf fig tree. #fiddleleaffig #houseplants #fiddleleaf #figtree
Decoracion de Jardines
Hoya Mathilda Care advice for hoya plants: #plantascolgantes