Love poems

20 Pins
Walk a Little Slower, Daddy
Father's Day project? Rewrite the poem onto paper and have the kids decorate it ... paint footprints? (Okay, I am dreaming - they'll never cooperate for that!)
ヤプログ! byGMO サービス終了のお知らせ|GMO MEDIA
birthday poem for daughter | happy birthday daughter poem :: Walito's blog|yaplog!(ヤプログ ...
you are my I love you
I just love this little poem .. I'm hoping to print and frame it for my boys at some point <3
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Before You Were Born We Dreamed of You, Imagined You, Prayed for You Vinyl Wall Decal Quote Saying Poem for Boy Girl Baby Nursery 22"H x27"W on Etsy, $45.00
ikat bag
I want to do this with my grandson and then he can give it as a gift to his mom and dad....he isn't quite two so it will work out for next Christmas.
Daughter Poems
Daughter Poems. Mother Daughter Father Daughter Poems. The Very Best DAUGHTER Poems on Net for My Daughters Birthday Cards or Special Occasions Click HERE!