
18 Pins
[Iniciante - Parte 2] Técnica Quilling - Formas Básicas 2
Formas Básicas 2: Formas Variadas. Esse post é pra mostrar as formas variadas que não foram apresentados no post Parte 1. São só algumas das...
Quilling 101
I've been wanting to do this post for a very long time. Since we have sunny skies today I was inspired to actually do it. For all those wh...
Mindent a quillingtechnikáról
A quilling- azaz papírcsíktechnika a népszerűségét leginkább annak köszönheti, hogy az alapok elsajátítása után különösen látványos dolgokat tudtok készíteni. Nem igényel túl sok és különleges alapanyagot sem, mindössze magukra a papírcsíkokra, a sodróeszközre…
Квиллинг и бумажное творчество
Квиллинг и бумажное творчество
New portion of #greenery🌿 Yay or nay? . #greetingcards#papercraft#quilling #paperflowers#craft#paper#art#paperart#paperartist#paperquilling#design#dailypost#instagram#notifications
10 beautiful ideas to practice your future new passion that's the quil #Ramadan#Design
One Stop Shopping For Quilling Supplies
A-Z Collection Quilling Kit This fun and creative kit has one design for each letter of the alphabet. Includes a 8.5" x 5.5" printed background sheet for your quilled designs. Also includes easy to follow instructions and quilling paper.
Quilling sizing chart
I like to know exactly what I need to make before I make it, so as to minimize wasted time and ruined paper. This handy chart was created to show exactly what each shape looks like using the seven sizes of circles in the sizing ruler. The first is the largest hole using the longest strip at 24” then moves down the line from 12” to 6” and then 3” strips. The bottom-most right side has a single piece at 2”;. This took approximate six hours to complete.
Hola, hoy os voy a hablar de una técnica muy sencilla, pero que a la vez se pueden hacer auténticas obras de arte. El quilling o filigrana. No es otra cosa que tiras de papel de colores que se van enrollando y pegando a nuestro antojo. Estas son las formas mas típicas de enrollar, se puede hacer con los dedos o ayudarnos ...