O koek

68 Pins
Learn how to make Macarons the easy way
Learn how to make Macarons the easy way Easy step-by-step macaron recipe, and several filling recipes. #minekeskin #minekeskinacademy #macaron #cake
Schnauzer Dog Cake
Schnauzer Dog Cake and template! This cake would actually be do-able! So cute!
Giraffe Pattern
Giraffe Pattern - Enjoy... http://cakecentral.com/gallery/1992762
Adorable Homemade Giraffe Cake
Homemade Giraffe Cake 16: I baked this giraffe cake for my daughter's 8th birthday. She was in love with giraffes. First I scanned her invitation that had a giraffe on it. I
Coolest Giraffe Cakes and Lots of Birthday Cake Photo Ideas
Outline of giraffe cake for birthday cake. @Genevieve Cummins, take note. ;-)