
9 Pins
Benefits Of Skipping Rope, How To Start, And Precautions
Remember all those skipping races you did as a kid─all those rope games,jumping around for the fun of it! Know amazing benefits of skipping ...
Discover The Effects Of Exercise On the Brain: Runner’s High
10 minute skipping rope workout for begginers.
Get Toned Thighs in Just One Month
Many women hate their upper legs so much that they don't even try to firm them. Mistake. "Many of your major thigh muscles — your hamstrings and quadriceps as well as your butt — are actually easy to tone," says Evelyn Nunlee, a New York City personal trainer for 15 years. (Inner thighs are trickier, she concedes; to target that trouble spot, add crunches and other lower-abdominal exercises, because your stomach muscles are close to those of your inner thighs.) For quickest results, do Nunlee's : Fitness
30 Day Thigh Slimming Challenge | Health n Tips - Tap the pin if you love super heroes too! Cause guess what? you will LOVE these super hero fitness shirts!
Get Thinner Thighs!
The BEST exercises to target and tone every women's trouble spot -- the Inner & Outer Thighs! You will LOVE this workout!