Positive Parenting

Positive Parenting tips and advice. Gentle parenting techniques to raise happy, emotionally intelligent little beings. If you would like to join this board please join this Facebook group for instructions: https://www.facebook.com/groups/pinterestgroupboardslynne/
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Martin Luther King Jr. Emergent Reader for Kids
Use this Martin Luther King Jr. Emergent Reader for kids to celebrate and honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Kids can read about his I Have a Dream Speech and how Dr. King focused on kindness, peace and equality for all.
Six Ways to Really Connect With Your Tween
Are you looking for ways to connect with your tween? These six ideas from Coffee and Carpool will help you feel more connected AND give your tween more confidence! Check out these great mom tips and ideas for a fresh look at ways to connect on a deeper level.
Know If Your Tween Is Ready for More Independence
How do you know if your your tween is ready for more independence? All children crave independence and our jobs as parents is two fold: getting them ready for the independence and determining when they’re ready for it. Coffee and Carpool has some tips for them and then we need to get ourselves ready for it.
How to Respond When Your Tween Yells At You
What to do when your tween yells at you. Are your struggling to find ways to connect to your tween? Not sure what to do when your tween or teenage yells at you? These simple parenting tips can help you deal with your tween in a respectful way while teaching them kindness. What every parent of tweens and teens needs to know! #tweenparenting #tweenparents #tweenanger #tweenrage #parentingtweens #parentingteeners #angrykids #angermanagementforkids #tween #coffeeandcarpool
TATTLING VS TELLING – Teaching Kids The Difference
Help kids understand the difference between tattling and telling. Remind them to know when to "tell" and when not to "tattle." An awesome resource for parents who are looking to improve the atmosphere in their home and encourage their children to be kinder and gentler.
New Years Resolutions for Kids
Use this free printable to help write New Years Resolutions for kids focusing on more kindness in the new year. Kids can draw or write and draw all the ways they can be kind to their siblings, families, teachers and classmates and create new habits.
Help Kids Write Thank You Notes for Holiday Gifts
Help kids write thank you notes for holiday gifts in a meaningful way and in an easy way. This free printable is a "recipe" for thank you notes to make it easier to write thank you notes and focus on gratitude for the holiday gifts they receive.
Kindness Class Goals for the New Year Free Printable
Use this free printable to help write class goals for the New Year. Together you can brainstorm different ways to be kind to each other, kind to our families, kind to friends and kind to our neighbors.
How to Bully-Proof Our Kids Ebook - Coffee and Carpool // Helpful Parenting Tips // Special Needs Mo
Are you doing everything you can do bully-proof our kids? Here are 14 things parents can do that are essential to help our kids, tweens and preteens with bullies and bullying. The top ways you can help your children be protected from other bullies. What you need to do to bully proof your child and teen!
How to Help Families that are Food Insecure
How to Help An Unhappy Child Be Happy
Is your child unhappy often? We can help an unhappy child be happy or happier in their lives with these 10 simple tips by Coffee and Carpool. Doing these things will help your child enjoy the world around them more often.
15 Surprising Things to Ban to Raise Kind Kids
15 Surprising things to ban to raise kind kids. Not sure what to do next to help your child become kind kid you know they can be? Sometimes we have things that are working against us and we don't even know it. Start your journey to raising kind kids with this positive parenting focused list of 15 items to remove. #raisekindkids #positiveparenting #whatnottodo #parentinghelp
How to Encourage Your Child to Have a Growth Mindset
Encourage Your Kids to have a growth mindset with these 5 tips. Equip your children to persevere and work through the challenges that come in life with a growth mindset. Encouraging this mindset is easier than you think! And bonus, it can encourage you to focus on growth! #growthmindset #fixedmindset #parenting101 #momadvice #studentsuccess #coffeeandcarpool