Memory and Focus

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As a junior in college, I can say that this is great advice for anyone starting college this year.
Thoughts Of A Lupie!
Brain fog - To do list! ~ #4, I went the dollar store just the other and bought some window cleaner because I looked all over the house (even behind the washer and in the recycle can), and low and behold, soon as I got home, it was on the floor next to the computer chair(no idea how it got there either)
Brain Food: What to Eat When Revising
Eating healthy during pregnancy helps to develop healthy, smart brains for baby. Check out these brain boosting foods. Wee Feed: Nourishing mom and baby for the first 1,000 days
Care2 is the world's largest social network for good, a community of over 40 million people standing together, starting petitions and sharing stories that inspire action.
20 Foods To Boost Brainpower And Improve Memory | Care2 Healthy Living
4 Foods Linked to Increased Dementia Risk
Nutrition and Dementia: Foods That May Induce Memory Loss
Brain Fog Causes, Symptoms + 7 Natural Treatments - Dr. Axe
Brain fog symptoms & causes - Dr. Axe