Pagan Spiritual

Pagan related
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Blessed Samhain - Wiccan, Pagan image with Pentagram, and Water & Fire symbols
Blessed Litha - Pagan Sabbat, Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. Sun, Fire, Passion.
Norns. The three Goddesses of destiny from Norse Mythology - (in English) - Fate, Being & Necessity.
Sabbat, Pagan, Ostara, Element Air
The pressures and distractions of this life are like a wall that blocks our path to peace/joy. Spirituality and belief/faith in something beyond this life is a way for us to get beyond the wall.
Southern Hemisphere - The Crone, Waning Moon
Picture of the Full Moon in June
I just loved the way the candle holder blended in with the darkness around it, making a flower outline around the candle.